Trunk extensor muscles are essential for lifting, forward bending, and many other functional activities. These muscles act both to extend the spine and to balance the flexion movement produced by the trunk and the weight being lifted. The “hyperextension” bench is often used in the prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries. It is known that many people with low back pain have weak lower back muscles.
Perform these exercises regularly, as many people suffer from weak gluteal muscles and weak spinal extensors. Your posture will thank you! Call us on 613-69Trunk extensor muscles are essential for lifting, forward bending, and many other functional activities. These muscles act both to extend the spine and to balance the flexion movement produced by the trunk and the weight being lifted. The “hyperextension” bench is often used in the prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries. It is known that many people with low back pain have weak lower back muscles.
Perform these exercises regularly, as many people suffer from weak gluteal muscles and weak spinal extensors. Your posture will thank you!
Ask us any questions or get a consultation now.
CALL: 613-695-7733(Prince) / 613-440-6600(Barrhaven)
E-MAIL: Info@care2curephysiotherapy.